Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 1, 2024 (2024)

RestoredRepublic via a GCR: Update as of June 1, 2024

JudyNote:Some have asked why I use the Tabernacle Choir in my Updates. My lovefor what was dubbed by President Ronald Reagan as “The Nation’s Choir” goesback to childhood where my mother would make sure we heard the weekly broadcaston the radio every Sunday. I found it soothed my mind, and put it on a certainspiritual wavelength.

Back thenwe didn’t have the convenience of hearing the Choir anytime we wanted, so Igreatly looked forward to hearing the music on Sunday morning. It made mySunday – and my week.

When Ibegan writing about the Satanic Ritual Abuse of Children I would listen to theChoir, realizing I needed my mind to be on that same spiritual wavelength inorder to survive the horrendous stories I was hearing. The same was true tenyears ago when I began writing these updates. I turn on the Choir as I write somy mind can be at peace while I face the reality of the evil in our World.

I inviteyou to click on the Choir as you read this update. It will take you to a morespiritual realm as you face the terrible state of the World we live in. TheSpirit that comes from the music will help you invite God’s Eternal Spirit intoyour life.

Know thatalthough we are facing seemingly insurmountable problems, there is also hopefor us to regain a peaceful World – but only if we learn to integrate God’steachings into our lives as we love one another.

GroundCommand Has Confirmed that the World was presently under Martial Law

TheIRS has been restructured, the US Federal Reserve and Treasury have handedover their assets.

Proofhas surfaced that the wife of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyisinvolvedin the abduction and export of minors from Ukraineto pedophiles inWestern countries.

Fri.31 May 2023 Yemen’s Houthisjust launched a missile attack on a USAircraft Carrier in the Red Sea. All Hell may be about to break loose!

Thurs.30 May: In an un-Constitutional verdict,a compromised New YorkDemocrat Kangaroo Court found President Trump guilty of their contrivedcharges.As soon as the verdict was announced high ranking brassabandoned their allegiance to Biden.This is the FIRST time inAmerican history that a Former President has been found GUILTY of a crime byjury. This whole thing is a FRAUD AND A SHAM. The DOJ is completely corrupt.The FBI is a complete joke. You just crossed the line. 2024 will be a year ofreckoning.

The Brunson Case before the Supreme Court that chargesBiden and Congress failed to investigate before certifying the 2020 Election,remains a potent legal weapon that can dismantlethe majority of the House and Senate members who violated their sworn oathsonJanuary 6, 2021.By unconstitutionally certifying the 2020election without proper investigation, these legislators betrayed the trust ofthe American people. The verdict in the Brunson Case holds the power to eradicatethis betrayal, ensuring that only those who uphold their oaths to theConstitution remain in office. This case is a critical tool in restoring theintegrity of the legislative branch.

“Oneof the hopeful things I have discovered, is that nearly every warthathad started in the past 50 years, has been a result of media lies."-Julian Assange

OnFri. 31 May 2024the US Navy's second-highest ranking Admiral (Ret.)was arrested by US federal law enforcement, for Bribery.

BillGates (Clone) hanged at GITMOahead of schedule. He was to behangedOctober 5.He has tried to bribe soldiers. He said Ihave the most land and money in the world. Whereupon one of the soldiers said;“You have nothing left. Everything has been confiscated.”

GeorgeBush and familyrepresent the Satanic Skull and Bones Society. Theyperform human sacrifices & secret sex rituals for money. The Skull &Bones Society have committed many crimes against humanity, grave robbingGeronimo’s skull & bones, including the genocide of native Americans and9/11 attack on the World Trade Center.

Fri.31 May 2024:BOOOM!!! Judy Byington Bombshell Report! A NY DemocratKangaroo Court Found President Trump Guilty!That’s The Global Alliance’sCheckmate.

A. CIAMind ControlReal News for Real Patriots from the Judy ByingtonReport—Part 51 | Ellis Washington Report

TheCIAMind Control program eventually known as MK-ULTRAconsisted of 149sub-projects, plus another 33 closely related programs. There were 80participating US and Canadian institutions including 44 colleges anduniversities– all funded by US taxpayers through a CIA Black Budgetnot subject to review.

“TheCIA has been known to work hand in hand with the Vatican’s Satanic Ninth CircleChild Sacrifice Cult to run an International Child Trafficking and Drug/GunRunning Ring.In her biography “Twenty-Two Faces” Jenny Hill claimedshe was tortured and made to watch the Human Sacrifice of another six-year-oldchild, later identified as Kathleen Shea. Evidently Shea had been kidnappedfrom Tyrone Pennsylvania several months prior and appeared starved andemaciated before her Summer Solstice death by the Satanic Coven.”

JennyHill discusses the Satanic Child Sacrifice of Kathleen Shea:Thepurpose of CIA Mind Control Programmingwas to secure life-long powerover an individual in order to create Super Spies, Terrorists, Assassins and/orhave life-long control over a victim for whatever devious purpose.

MindControl Programmingwas based on the Satanic Worship Practices ofRape, Torture and Human Sacrifice. Young victims were sold into the program bytheir Multi-Generational Satanic families.

Thepreferred victim was a young child subjected to prolonged trauma.Itwas found that the developing brain of a child under repeated rape and torturewould permanently separate their thinking patterns into Multiple Personalitiesthat could be controlled by their perpetrator throughout the victim’s life. Themost effective programming would begin at a very early age and even in the wombthrough electroshock treatments for the mother.

In1964 after a successful lawsuit by Mind-Control Survivor Linda McDonald(ofthe McDonald’s Hamburger Franchise Multi-Generational Satanic Family),Congressional inquiries supposedly ended MK ULTRA – not true.

MK-ULTRARESEARCH continued but was curtailed in 1967 and thought extinct by 1973afterMKULTRA documents were destroyed by CIA Director Richard Helms prior to hisresignation and another Congressional inquiry – that went nowhere.

Yet,the 1977 Freedom of Information Actwas able to uncover 20,000MK-ULTRA Financial Documents on the Mind Control Program that were notdestroyed and proved the program to be ongoing – even to this day according toSatanic Ritual Abuse Mind Control Survivors

D. GlobalCurrency Reset:

JudyNote:Inmy opinionit appeared that regulations for the Global CurrencyReset were finalized onWed. 29 May 2024. Tiers 1 and 2 have beenfunded, while Bond Holders have not. Tier 3 was apparently under Non DisclosureAgreements so they may already have liquidity. Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group)could be notified for exchange appointments any time from nowto Tues.4 June,with a final D Day ofThurs. 6 June.TheTier4b exchange/ bond redemption process was hoped to be finished bySat.15 Juneand if not, there was a back wall date ofThurs. 4Julywhen it was believed that the GCR would be announced to theGeneral Public.

Fri.31 May 2024 Wolverine:“It’s been a very emotional day. I will behaving a very special live call. We are just inches away from getting that operaout for you guys. We are finally nearly there. My last call isFri. 31May 8:30 pm EST.”

Fri.31 May 2024 MarkZ: Bond people have not yet been paid.

Everythingon the new QFS either relates to gold, or it is backed by a precious metal.Thesenew digital standard protocols will be the mechanism by which money is movedgoing forward. The future of money is in gold. Everything the world touchesgoing forward will be because of a metal asset that enables it to do so.

E. GlobalFinancial Crisis:

Australia'sBankwest Bankhas announced that it will close all its branches andATMs by the end of 2024, in order to become a fully digital bank. Coming soonto a bank near you, as part of the globalist push towards programmable CBDCs.

Bankof America lost its case.SCOTUS decision just confirmed that the UShas a dual banking system with Federal and State chartering. Let thedecentralization of bank power begin.

Fri.31 May 2024:RV GESARA! GCR Roadmap 5 & The Brewing Banking SectorCrisis: A Ticking Financial Time Bomb

F.Restored Republic:A compromised New YorkDemocratKangaroo Court found President Trump guilty of their contrived charges in anun-Constitutional verdict.TheGreatest Sting Operation Sentencing was set four days before the RNC Conventionto nominate Trump. This was all GREAT NEWS:

1) Trump'sPresidentialvictoryis sealed.2) Precedent now setfor Bush, Clinton, and Obama arrests.3) Overturn on Appealguaranteed.4) Top-to-bottom DOJCorruption exposed.5) The U.S. Supreme Court will be FORCEDto conduct an Emergency Review of the “case” andmake a ruling.

6) The Supreme Court is a “captured” entitythat fully understands they uphold the Law orindividually face UCMJ Treason trial for violating their Sworn Oaths to theConstitution.

7) No civilian Admirably Law Courtcan override a UCMJ-protectedCommander-in-Chief, no matter how much propaganda they use.8) Commander In Chief Trump is untouchable.He’s simply leading the Swamp Rats to theirfinal resting places.

9) The Brunson Caseverdict remains a proverbial nuclear weapon that can be deployedto eradicate the vast majority of House & Senate members for violatingtheir sworn oaths on January 6, 2021, by unconstitutionally certifying the 2020election without an investigation.

10) DonaldTrump holds ALL THE CARDS.Watch him win it all! Election Interference is#Treason. ALL found guilty must forfeit all personal, family, and corporateassets to the U.S. Treasury. #WeThePeople just won the lottery and will soonwin our Republic back! @X @GOP @DNC @nytimes @elonmusk @joerogan #XRPArmy

“TheDemocratshave succeeded in their year-long attempt to turn Americainto a third-world sh*thole.November 5is our last chance tosave it. THE STORM IS COMING! BE READY!” …The 17thLetter (JFKJr.)Fri. 31 May 2024

BidenLoses Black Hat Military SupportFollowing Unconstitutional TrumpTrial Verdict. “In the wake of the Trump Trial, Alex Jones has issued a direwarning:A false flag operation may be imminent.A false flag operation is a covert action designed to appear as though it wascarried out by someone else, often to justify certain actions or policies.Jones believes that the deep state might orchestrate such an operation todistract the public from the controversial trial and consolidate power.“Expect the unexpected,” Jones warned.“The Deep State has cards up their sleeve, and they won’t hesitateto use them. We must remain vigilant and question everything.”

PresidentDonald Trumpsays he raised $39,000,000 in 10 hours after beingconvicted in New York. Then the Trump Campaign website crashed.

Fri.31 May 2024:Breaking News: Trump Sentencing Set Just Days Before RNCConvention -Civilian Courts vs. UCMJ: The Commander-in-Chief’s Immunity –Winning Back the Republic!

Fri.31 May 2024:BQQQM!!! Justice for War Crimes and Crimes AgainstHumanity: The Criminals Among Us! It’s TIME to Hold Every PresidentAccountable!

Fri.31 May 2024:BACKLASH: Trump Speaking LIVE Right Now After GuiltyVerdict: ‘I Will NEVER Surrender!’

Fri.31 May 2024:Emergency Alert! The Weaponized Show Trial of Trump InNYC Has MASSIVELY Backfired, But The Deep State Has False Flag Cards Up TheirSleeve – Alex Jones

G. Warsand Rumors of Wars:Fri.31 May 2024:Situation Update: Get Ready! The Storm Is Gathering!Russian Nuclear Subs Now In Atlantic Ocean! Intelligence: West Planning APreemptive Strike On Russia! Trump Arrest Could Trigger Military EBS!

Alfredo Cabrera who is a candidate for mayor in thetown of Coyuca de Benitez, Mexico,has been assassinated after being shot. Fri.31 May 2024 War Alert:Fri.31 May 2024 Trump Fights Back,Charlie Ward:

H.Illuminati Deep State Cabal Globalist Depopulation Agenda 2030:Summarythe World Economic Forum's 'Great Reset' agenda,aired on Fox News:"TheWEF is a fanatical political organizationthat uses fear andmanipulation, like Covid hysteria, like the hoax of global warming, tofacilitate people thinking that somehow they're the saviors, but really allyou're doing is helping them accomplish their goal. Their goal is to have aglobal public-private Fascist Movement, and fusion of big government, big tech[and] big money, to create a technocratic ruling elite, which conveniently isthem. They want to create Feudalism 2.0, in which we are serfs, and they arethe lords ruling over us… That's what they're aiming for."

WeHave The Leaked Kari LakeAttempted Bribery Call Confirming AmericanGovernment Is All About Bribes & BlackmailElonMusk Exposing The Irish Parliament Getting Ready To Crush Free Speech

JulianAssange Warned Us: “There is no society anymore. What there is, is atransnational security elitethat is busy carving up the world usingyour tax money. To combat that elite, we must not petition. We must take itover. We must form our own networks of strength and mutual value, which canchallenge those strengths and self interested values of the warmongers in thiscountry and in others that have formed hand in hand an alliance to take moneyfrom the United States, from every NATO country, from Australia, and ban.Launder it through Iraq. Launder it through Somalia. Launder it through Yemen,launder it through Pakistan, and wash that money in people's blood.”

I. TheReal News for Fri. 31 May 2024:Thurs.30 May 2024:New Benjamin Fulford: Khazarian Mafia Murder SpreeTriggers Bounties for Top Satanists

J. International Child Sex Trafficking, Organ andAdrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican and housed in China’s ThreeGorges Dam in the 1500 mile tunnel that runs between the Vatican and Jerusalem:

Fri.31 May 2024 Zelensky’s Wife and Child Trafficking Allegations:Humanrights activists from theFoundation to Battle Injusticehaveacquired evidence suggesting that a non-profit organization affiliated withOlena Zelensky, the wife of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky,isinvolved in the abduction and export of minors from Ukrainetopedophiles in Western countries.The foundation has identified bothUkrainian and European organizations participating in the kidnapping ofchildren, as well as the routes used for their transportation to variousinternational destinations.It also uncovered the names of prominentWestern officials and public figures linked to pedophile networks thatfacilitate the criminal child trafficking. The children are transported to countrieslike the UK, Germany, and France, where they are sold to foster families orhanded over to pedophiles and child molesters.

K.Adrenochrome: Drug of Political, Hollywood Elites Harvested From TorturedchildrenAdrenochromeisa drug of the Hollywood political elites. It’s addictive and harvested fromtortured children in Satanic rituals according to books of Alister Crowly,prophet of Masonry.

AdrenochromeHarvesting,according to the so called conspiracies aka truth is doneby: drinking blood, heart surgery, or tapping into the brainstem. The adrenalglands are located above the kidneys, so that’s probably where you really wantto look and drain when they put the victim into utter shock.

TheRed Onyx Adrenochrome Ringis known to be worn by those in thisZionist Occult and it is known to have Adrenochrome Blood in it. Isn’t it weirdthat from Johnny Depp to the president of Iran to have the same ring? Yes, Iranis Masonic Zionist

L. Covid/Vax/Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/ Zika/Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chem trails/ Fluoride,Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoaxes:

Dr.Peter McCullough Shares Disturbing News:“Pfizer and Modernapotentially could have permanently changed the human genome.” A study by Aldénand colleagues showed something alarming. “The Pfizer genetic code, at leastthat center 444 base pair amplicon, is taken up into the human genome withinabout an hour,” summarized Dr. McCullough.“Now, experts say if the middle partis taken up, almost certainly the whole thing is.” “What if eggs and sperm tookup the Pfizer-Moderna code, and it’s permanently installed?” posed Dr.McCullough.“Then they would pass it on to the baby,” he answered. “There hasn’tbeen a study to confirm this one, and there hasn’t been one rejecting it. So aswe sit here today, we have to reconcile that Pfizer and Moderna potentiallycould have permanently changed the human genome.”

M. Riseof Black Lives Matter and Antifa – founded by Obama, funded by Soros:Soros-fundedUN NGOsare involved in the humanitarian catastrophe that is theforced migration crisis, itself contributing to an unprecedented invasion ofthe United States.

Sorospaid for most blue-state district attorneys,including Alvin Bragg ofNew York, currently trying to jail a leading candidate for President of theUnited States.Sorosfamily is closewith Kamala Harris, Clintons, and Obamas.

HusseinObama,a now-private-citizen, made an off-book visit to London onMarch 17 and 18, 2024, and was given a closed audience with UK Prime MinisterSunak. 4 days later in Moscow, and 7 days later in Baltimore, terrorist attacksoccurred.Obama AG EricHolderoversaw rise of first BLM riots in MO, USA.Sorosfunds both Antifa, and BLM.

N. CIAInvolved in Drug Smuggling, they Created ISISTheCIA accused of importing Fentanylinto the USA Individuals,including former law enforcement officials,have made claims that theCIA has been involved in drug trafficking and illicit drug dealings. Theseaccusations suggest that the CIA may have been complicit in facilitating thetransportation and distribution of illegal drugs.

In1996,during a C-SPAN interview with Director James Doich, thefollowing projects were mentioned: Project Amadous, Project Pegasus, ProjectWatchtower apparently all proving the CIA has been selling drugs in the UnitedStates.

Thingsto look up:Iran-Contra Affair: The Iran-Contra scandal in the 1980sinvolved allegations of CIA involvement in illegal arms sales to Iran and usingthe proceeds to fund Nicaraguan Contra rebels. Critics suggest that drugtrafficking was a large part of these operations.

JulianAssange said the CIA was responsible for paving the way for ISISas hereleased more than half a million formerly confidential US diplomatic cablesdating back to 1979. Assange also said a decision by the CIA, together with SaudiArabia, to plough billions of dollars into arming the Mujahideen fighters inAfghanistan to tackle the Soviet Union, had led to the creation of terror groupal-Qaeda. This is why they hate Julian Assange.

O.Mon. 27 May Pascal Najadi interview:Julian Assangeispart of US Special Operations. He’s never been in prison.They hackedonthe Clinton’s machine and people around them.They plannedaDemocide Bioweapon Military Grade.Fauciwasfinancing Wuhan Gain of Function in 2012.White Househasbeen closed since Trump left it and went to Mar-a-Lago. Call it. Nobody picksup.

General Flynnriskedhis life in this Operation.The trap for the enemywas the Fake Biden Administration. The entireadministration is Central Casting. They get paid by us. Worldwide we put themin place - the fake ones infiltrated years ago since JFK.Fake NewsaboutObama controlling Joe Biden.

Deep Statehasbeen gone a long time. Do you think we would put people in harms way? (I’mguessing that meant Anons?)FAA websitesaysthe no fly zone over Mar-a-Lago ends May 31st at 23:59 seconds. On June 1st at00:01 you can fly over there. If the no fly zone ends on May 31st, it canhappen anytime.

There is no more fear to hide. You’re fine and can trust the local sheriff and themilitary.There are 2 B-2 Bombers. One we Fly, One we park. They have 2 differentregistration plates. Both of them add up to God’s number 9. God is in charge.If you observe a crime, go to the National Guard Base to report pedophilesand Freemasons. It helps us.

The Nazi timeline on Earthhas been removed. Satan is gone. God is withyou.Our threat is not Russia, nor China, or India or Brazil. They are our partnersin this war. The threat came from outer space. Which is globalThe Earth is flat.The Holy landisUSA.God wrote the Bible codein English NOT Hebrew. Hebrew is an AlienScripture.

Peace is our Bravery. A Tribute to the Galactic Federation they helped us since Eisenhower,more JFK times constantly. They are here on Earth and in Space.The Vaticanwasa Nationalist, Jewish, Satanist organization.The childrenthathave been rescued are being taken care of with love and light.

P. Sun.26 May Global Alert! Ground Command Confirms Military Forces Enforce MartialLaw Worldwide, Rise of CARE,Medeea Greere

Theworld as we know it stands under the oppressive shadow of international martiallaw, orchestrated not by individual nations but by the figure of GroundCommand. As governments worldwide scramble to regain their sovereignty, majorglobal institutions like the IMF, UN, World Bank, and WEF have crumbled,leaving room for the emergence of a restructured Global Intelligence Agency(GIA) and the rise of a formidable new force known as CARE.

Governmentsare now grappling for the remnants of their sovereignty, whileonce-almighty institutions like the IMF, UN, World Bank, and WEF have falleninto irrelevance. In their wake, a newly restructured Global IntelligenceAgency (GIA) and the emergence of CARE are poised to reshape the world as weknow it.

Butwhat does this seismic shift entail, and how does it affect the globalfinancial landscape?We delve into the details of these remarkabledevelopments, shining a light on the imminent restructuring of the IRS, theabrupt dismissal of influential figures like Janet Yellen, and the loominghandover of assets by the US Federal Reserve and Treasury. Hold onto yourseats, dear readers, as we journey through this tumultuous path, revealingtruths that have remained hidden for far too long.

Q. Fri.31 May 2024 Ben Fulford:

UNMASKED:Illuminati's Sinister Plot for a New World Order:Prepare to have yourmind blown as we expose the Illuminati's diabolical scheme to reshape the worldusing the principles of enlightenment. Banished by the Bavarian government in1782, Weishaupt's group hides in the shadows, orchestrating a grand utopianagenda.

SECRETALLIANCES & GLOBAL INFLUENCE:From Rothschilds to Papal Knights:Hold onto your seats as we uncover the dark alliances that bind the powerfulelite. Discover the astonishing truth that the Archbishop of Canterbury himselfholds the prestigious title of Papal Knight of Francis I. Jacob Rothschild, afigure entrenched in European knighthoods, commands the Queen's Order of theBritish Empire and the Order of Merit. Through a tangled web of connections,the Rothschilds wield immense power, with the Queen deferring to the Pope,ensuring their direct influence over European knighthoods.

THESINISTER TRUTH: Masonic Grand Masters and Jesuit Secrets:Prepare fora journey into the heart of clandestine power structures. Unveil the shockingrevelation that the Duke of Gloucester, brother of the Duke of Kent, assumesthe esteemed position of Grand Prior of the Knights of St. John and holds thecoveted title of First Grand Principal of the Supreme Grand Lodge of Royal ArchMasons of England. As the Pope bows to the Jesuit Superior General, thetentacles of influence spread far and wide. Even King Abdullah of Jordancarries the mark of Jesuit training from Georgetown University.

ANCIENTMYSTERIES AND SYMBOLS: Phoenix Rising and Hidden Agendas:Unlock thesecrets hidden within the Jesuit World Headquarters in Rome, Italy. Behold thecaptivating image showcasing nests, symbolizing the emergence of a growingPhoenix. According to experts, the Phoenix represents not only resurrection butalso a false Christ of the new Aquarian Age, a revelation that will sendshockwaves through your perception of spirituality.

THEFAR-REACHING GRASP: Papal Knighthoods and Global Domination:Preparefor an astonishing revelation as we expose the power wielded by PapalKnighthoods. From Jewish to Arabic leaders, their influence extends to theMiddle East and beyond. Nadhmi Auchi, an Iraqi-British billionaire, stands as amember of the Papal Royal Order of Francis I, with alleged links to SaddamHussein's former regime. French President Nicolas Sarkozy's rendezvous withSyrian President Al-Basshad, another Knight of the Order of Francis I, reveals aweb of connections that intertwines with the Constantinian Order and theVatican-loyal Constantinian Order.

THEILLUMINATING TRUTH: Vatican's Hand in Global Affairs:Prepare for theshocking revelation that the Vatican's influence extends to world leaders andpivotal geopolitical events. Jesuit-trained Shimon Peres, known for his supportof the Vatican, remarkably deeded the Temple Mount to the Vatican after theOslo Accord. Knighted into the British Queen's Orders of Saints Michael &George, Peres's loyalty to the Vatican raises profound questions about his trueallegiance to regular Jewish people. As the dark shadow of apostate LaborZionists looms large, their collaboration with Hitler's Nazi Empire duringWWII, harmful radiation experiments on Sephardic Jewish children, and enduringinfluence in Israel today will leave you speechless.

UNVEILINGTHE MYSTERY: Freemasonry, Kabbalah, and Ancient Babylon:Prepare for aparadigm-shifting revelation as we explore the enigmatic world of Freemasonryand its eerie connections. Discover the esoteric teachings of the Kabbalah, amystery school that believes the Torah holds hidden codes, rooted in ancientBabylonian origins. The striking similarities between Romanism and theBabylonian religion will make you question the true nature of power and itsties to ancient mystical traditions.

R. BLOODMONEY:Thetop politicians taking influence money from Israel:

JoeBiden:Atthe top of the list.

Byfar Israel’s most well-funded supporter, Joe “the big guy” Biden has takenin a whopping $4,346,264 dollars that we know of from the Jewish state. Fromthe very beginning, Biden has bragged that he is “an implacable friend ofIsrael” who throughout his Senate career “showered Israel with unquestioningsupport, even when its behavior elicited bipartisan outrage.”

Bideninfamously helped to block a 1998 peace proposal with Palestinewhilesecuring record sums of U.S aid for the Jewish state. More recently, Biden hasboasted that there are “no red lines” that Israel could ever cross that wouldcause the Jewish state to lose U.S. support.

Backin November,Biden rubber-stamped another $14.5 billion in militaryaid to Israel to ensure a greater chance of success in Gaza.


ThisDemocrat New Jersey Senatorhas raked in nearly $2.5 million incontributions from Israel for his unquestioning support for the Jewish state.Following the October 7 Hamas attack, Menéndez delivered a prepared speech toBiden calling for his regime to “stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Israel and herpeople,” a cause that Menéndez says he has been “devoted to … for 31 years inCongress.

S. USDebt Clock: May 26, 2024We, The People, are the SOLUTION.

UnitedUSA Dollar= an asset-backed form of wealth preservation with alimited supply that appreciates over time. It is a transparent and verifiablereal-world asset, serving as a debt-free currency payable to the bearer. Thisnew USA Treasury certificate is backed by 100% of "We the People"assets, including gold, silver, copper, oil, gas, equity markets, agriculture,real estate, mining, and new energy sources like thorium.


DividedFED Dollar= an unsecured perpetual debt instrument representing aninfinite supply of money that has never been audited. It functions as amechanism for wealth redistribution, utilizing a secretive, leveragedcounterfeit derivative known as the Federal Reserve note. This system's originstrace back to 1913 when President Woodrow Wilson effectively transferredcontrol of the U.S. financial system to bankers by establishing the FederalReserve. These bankers use the Federal Reserve's debt-based system as reserves.The Federal Reserve note, particularly after being removed from the goldstandard in 1971, is backed by nothing tangible. This system was never intendedto be repaid; rather, it was designed to transfer wealth to the top 1% and thebankers who convened at Jekyll Island. The division of the Federal ReserveDollar arises from the extensive manipulation in the financial sector, leadingto an unsustainable level of debt and an imminent financial bubble on the vergeof bursting.

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 1, 2024 (2024)
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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.