User manual Honeywell TH1110DV1009/U (English (2024)

View the manual for the Honeywell TH1110DV1009/U here, for free. This manual comes under the category thermostat and has been rated by 19 people with an average of a 7.7. This manual is available in the following languages: English. Do you have a question about the Honeywell TH1110DV1009/U or do you need help?Ask your question here

The Honeywell TH1110DV1009/U is a thermostat designed for residential applications. It offers basic functionality for controlling heating and cooling systems in the US. The thermostat is compatible with most 24V heating and cooling systems, including gas, oil, electric, and heat pump systems. One key feature of the Honeywell TH1110DV1009/U is its large backlit digital display. This display provides clear temperature readings and is easy to read in both daytime and nighttime settings. The thermostat also offers precise temperature control with its 1°F temperature accuracy.Installation of the Honeywell TH1110DV1009/U is relatively simple, as it is designed for mounting on a standard 2x4-inch electrical box. The thermostat is battery-powered, eliminating the need for additional wiring or power sources.The Honeywell TH1110DV1009/U also includes a variety of programming options. It offers both 7-day and 5+2 programming options, allowing users to customize temperature settings for each day of the week or for weekdays versus weekends. This level of programmability can help homeowners save energy and reduce heating and cooling costs.In summary, the Honeywell TH1110DV1009/U is a reliable and easy-to-use thermostat that provides basic temperature control for residential heating and cooling systems in the US. Its large digital display, precise temperature control, and programmable options make it a practical choice for homeowners looking for an affordable and efficient thermostat solution.

ModelTH1110DV1009/U | TH1110DV1009/U
FiletypeUser manual (PDF), Installation Guide (PDF)
Smart thermostat-
TypeDigital thermostat
Memory function-
Control typeButtons
Product colorWhite
Languages supportEnglish
Manual temperature adjustmentYes
Backlight displayYes
Weight & dimensions
Width74 mm
Height120 mm
Depth29 mm
Packaging content
Screws includedYes
Batteries includedYes
Handheld remote controlNo
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Can't find the answer to your question in the manual? You may find the answer to your question in the FAQs about the Honeywell TH1110DV1009/U below.

Where is the best location to place the thermostat?

The best place for the thermostat is the room where you spend the most time, in many cases the living room or kitchen. Place the thermostat about one and a half metres above the floor, not in the sun and not on an outside wall.

What is the dead band of a thermostat?

If your thermostat has a dead band, your installation is, as it were, 'at rest'. The thermostat only switches on when, for example, the difference deviates more than 2˚C from the set room temperature.

What is the ideal room temperature?

Most people find that the ideal room temperature is between 19 and 22 degrees Celsius.

What is the height of the Honeywell TH1110DV1009/U?

The Honeywell TH1110DV1009/U has a height of 120 mm.

What is the width of the Honeywell TH1110DV1009/U?

The Honeywell TH1110DV1009/U has a width of 74 mm.

What is the depth of the Honeywell TH1110DV1009/U?

The Honeywell TH1110DV1009/U has a depth of 29 mm.

How do I set the desired temperature on my Honeywell TH1110DV1009/U thermostat?

Press the "Up" or "Down" arrow buttons to adjust the temperature setting to your desired level.

Why is the thermostat display not turning on or displaying any information?

Check if the thermostat is properly connected to the power source. Ensure that the circuit breaker or fuse controlling the thermostat is not tripped or blown.

My thermostat is not accurately maintaining the desired temperature, what could be the issue?

Verify that the temperature sensors are clean and free from any debris. Additionally, check if the thermostat is located away from any heat-emitting devices such as lamps, appliances, or direct sunlight, as this may affect its performance.

How can I adjust the temperature swing and cycle rate settings on the thermostat?

These settings are not adjustable on the TH1110DV1009/U thermostat. The temperature swing and cycle rate are predetermined by the manufacturer for optimal energy efficiency and comfort.

What should I do if the thermostat is unresponsive or not working properly?

Try removing the thermostat from its wall plate and replacing the batteries, ensuring they are correctly inserted. If the issue persists, you may need to reset the thermostat to its factory default settings by following the specific instructions provided in the manual.

Does the Honeywell TH1110DV1009/U have a backlight display?

Yes, the Honeywell TH1110DV1009/U has a backlight display. This means that users can easily read the thermostat's display even in low light conditions, providing convenience and ease of use.

Can the Honeywell TH1110DV1009/U be used for cooling purposes?

Yes, the Honeywell TH1110DV1009/U can be used for cooling. This makes it suitable for controlling both heating and cooling systems, allowing users to maintain a comfortable temperature in their environment all year round.

Does the Honeywell TH1110DV1009/U support Wi-Fi connectivity?

No, the Honeywell TH1110DV1009/U does not support Wi-Fi connectivity. Although it lacks this feature, it still provides reliable manual temperature adjustment options and a clear LCD display.

Are screws included with the Honeywell TH1110DV1009/U?

Yes, screws are included with the Honeywell TH1110DV1009/U. This means that users will have everything they need to securely install the thermostat and ensure it remains in place.

Does the Honeywell TH1110DV1009/U come with batteries included?

Yes, the Honeywell TH1110DV1009/U comes with batteries included. This allows users to immediately power up and start using the thermostat without the need for additional purchases.

Is the manual of the Honeywell TH1110DV1009/U available in English?

Yes, the manual of the Honeywell TH1110DV1009/U is available in English .

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User manual Honeywell TH1110DV1009/U (English (2024)
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