Definitive Chronos Conquest Mid and Duo Lane Guide (2024)

Mid Warding:

Here are your regular warding spots for mid, to help your team be aware of the enemy team's general rotations especially when you're not in mid lane. Generally with good map awareness you shouldn't need to rely on wards much yourself for safety.

Definitive Chronos Conquest Mid and Duo Lane Guide (1)

  • Green: Placing wards at these locations on both sides of the lane give you good general vision of the nearby jungle, giving vision of the entrances to your lane so you can see incoming ganks.
  • Purple: You can place a ward directly in front of the enemy tower (but not within its range), which can give you a lot of information if you keep an eye on the mini-map. If they are sitting on the ward in mid, you know where they are. If their icons push further into the lane, you can assume they are pushing. If they go towards the right or left jungles you can make early calls on "Be Carefuls" or "Enemy Incoming" or you can assume they are doing their buff camps. If their icons move backwards towards their tower you can generally assume that they are going to one of the back pathways into the jungle, likely to clear camps.

Duo (ADC) Warding:

Here are your regular warding spots for Duo lane side of the map, to help your team be aware of the enemy team's general rotations especially when you're not in duo lane. Generally with good map awareness you shouldn't need to rely on wards much yourself for safety.

Definitive Chronos Conquest Mid and Duo Lane Guide (2)

  • Green: Standard locations to place wards, especially for the ADC. These give you a good view of the main entrances to your lane to warn you of incoming ganks from both the enemy and your sides of the map. These are solid locations if you're in the middle of the lane or playing defensively.
  • Yellow: These ADC ward placements are more effective when you're pushing your lane and you want early notice of enemies coming to gank. Precise placement of the ward near the enemy buff can give you vision on the buff timer.
  • Orange: These wards are typically where the Support should place their wards, especially when the ADC is being responsible and doing their own wards. These allow you to get significantly more vision on the enemy jungle, especially near some of their camps, and can also help the Mid-laner. If the ADC hasn't placed wards and you're looking to cover them, you can choose any of the other locations.

Late-Game Warding:

Over here is shown the ideal lategame warding spots around Fire Giant, though often you will be sharing the responsibility for this rather than handling it alone, especially when it's not safe for you to step up to place deeper wards. Any wards placed closer to the objective within the Fire Giant pit tend to get destroyed by Sentries more often than not, so they tend to not be reliable.

Remember, minions act as moving wards in the lanes, and are able to spot nearby gods. If your towers are down, keep your minions pushed up as much as possible to provide an extra set of eyes.

Definitive Chronos Conquest Mid and Duo Lane Guide (3)

  • White Circles: These are all offensive locations that allow you to spot enemies near to or approaching objectives, and are helpful in covering multiple approaches. The closer you get to the Fire Giant, the more contested those spots will be and the more likely enemies will try to counter-ward.

    The ones closest to the enemy base can give you very early notice.

  • Red Circles: Fairly obvious, but it's always good to have vision on the main jungle objectives, especially the Fire Giant. Sentry Wards are key here, as they allow you to spot and remove enemy wards. You can place wards directly on top of the objectives, or put them slightly to one side to try to spot enemy wards or protect yours from being detected.

Counter-Warding: Enemies may drop wards on your defensive side in similar (opposite) spots to where you would place yours. If the Fire Giant is already covered and you have a spare Sentry Ward, place them in these spots to limit the enemy's vision on your team.

Defensive Warding: If you're pushed back to your phoenixes or inside your base, locate your wards in the nearby jungle and general approaches.

Definitive Chronos Conquest Mid and Duo Lane Guide (2024)
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